State and National Assessments can be found in the state_data_* schemas. These are generally by state, for example, state_data_ca.. Each assessment gets its own set of tables.

I would recommend browsing the schema of the data you are looking for to get a good feeling for how the tables are designed.


  • All of the columns need to be escaped in double quotes because they have camelCased column names, and Postgres doesn’t handle those very nicely. So, if you need to SELECT cahsee_2016_mathPassed, you have to write, SELECT "cahsee_2016_mathPassed"


-- Get a count of students who passed the 2016 CAHSEE
FROM state_data_ca.cahsee_2016
WHERE "cahsee_2016_mathPassed" = 'P';

Want some more examples? Send me some suggestions of the data you would like to see